The next session of the Logic and Religion Webinar (LARAW) will be May 11
at 4pm CET

Title: THE ANATOMY OF GOD AND THE PROBLEM OF EVIL - Lessons from an African
Speaker: Aribiah Attoe (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa)
Abstract:  In this talk, I will provide a new response to the problem of
evil from an African perspective. I will argue that the notion of a God
that is conscious and intentional is mistaken. This is because these
attributes are not based on any concrete information about the nature of
God, and so are simply misattributions. Thus, I will argue for a new notion
of God as a material and depersonalised entity, therefore redefining the
African limited God view. I will also show that “evil” is merely a category
of the mind. Finally, I will show how these ideas make the problem of evil

Chair:  Francisco de Assis Mariano (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)

Everybody is welcome to attend. Register here:

Aribiah Attoe is author of the IEP entry
African Philosophical Perspectives on the Meaning of Life

Jean-Yves Beziau
Vice-President of LARA (Logic And Religion Association), organizer of LARAW
and IEP logic area editor

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