Michael Turniansky wrote:
On Jan 11, 2008 5:23 PM, Pierre Abbat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Friday 11 January 2008 15:54, Robert Dumond wrote:

I take the bus to and from work here in Rochester, MN.  I would like to be
able to saying something like "I am taking the number 11 bus to home" or "I
am taking the number 3 bus to work".  The closest I've been able to come up
with so far is:

.i mi klama le briju fu le papa sorprekarce

.i mi klama le mi zdadi'u fu le ci sorprekarce
That means "the 11 buses". {le papamoi sorprekarce} means "the 11th bus",
which, being a tanru, is sufficiently ambiguous to mean "the bus that runs on
the 11th schedule". You could also say {le me li papa sorprekarce} (the
number-11-kind-of bus) or {le li papa sorprekarce} (11's bus).

I'd prefer le fei zei sorprekarce.

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