On 7/31/08, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess what confused me on this was the use of "lo mi karce cu va
> zvati" for "my car is there", in Everyday Lojban Lesson 1.  I can't
> see why this is "lo" and not "le" - surely the thing that's over there
> is a particular car of his that he's thinking of.

It could be "le" as well. "lo" is just more general, it covers both
the generic and the particular cases, it just doesn't emphasize
that it's about a partcular one. That use of "lo" there is perfectly
fine. In fact, one could use "lo" always and forget about every
other gadri (except "la").

> Also, is there some kind of problem with jbovlaste?

Its searches are quite horrible, yes.

>search for "success" and it'll find nothing at all,
> even though snada is in the fortunecity dictionary;

But you have to search for "succeed", of course! :)

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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