What algorithm does the jbovlaste search engine use?

--- Jorge Llambías <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/31/08, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I guess what confused me on this was the use of "lo mi
> karce cu va
> > zvati" for "my car is there", in Everyday Lojban Lesson
> 1.  I can't
> > see why this is "lo" and not "le" - surely the thing
> that's over there
> > is a particular car of his that he's thinking of.

> It could be "le" as well. "lo" is just more general, it
> covers both
> the generic and the particular cases, it just doesn't
> emphasize
> that it's about a partcular one. That use of "lo" there
> is perfectly
> fine. In fact, one could use "lo" always and forget about
> every
> other gadri (except "la").
> > Also, is there some kind of problem with jbovlaste?
> Its searches are quite horrible, yes.
> >search for "success" and it'll find nothing at all,
> > even though snada is in the fortunecity dictionary;
> But you have to search for "succeed", of course! :)
> mu'o mi'e xorxes



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