Attempting to translate a joke like this gave me some thought.
The sentence is kind of easy
   --- klama lo barja
   --- klama mo'ine'i lo barja

The hard part is the participants.

I searched jbovlaste and could not find an Indian Chief, or even an American
Indian or native american. I could make up a big tanru with
leader+aboriginal+american or even condense it into a lujvo, but then I'd
get something like ralmerliryraixa'u -
leader+American+(early+superlative+dwell).  Surely there's something better.

Priest has a different word in every natural language, so I guess it needs
its own word in lojban. But what xisjdaca'i? Christian religious leader? How
did we get from a 5 letter word in English to this?

For Rabbi, every language uses a variation of the Hebrew original. The
original is "rav" meaning master or teacher, but in most languages, even
sometimes in Hebrew, people use a variation on "rabi" meaning "my rav" (very
much like sensei in Japanese). So is it possible to just use rabi as a
class-4 fu'ivla? Maybe only a class-3 fu'ivla. But what gismu should I add
to "rabi"? It is a job, so maybe gunkrabi?  But a rabbi is also a teacher,
so maybe ctucrabi?

Please let me know what you think

mi'e ioav

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