Maybe throw a ro'i in there for the social aspect? Or ro'e for intellectual?


[good mental independence]??

My sense from these particles, though, is that you can through them
together in tons of assortments, so there might be a whole slew of
ways to say "props" depending on what you're doing, right? The above
might work for mental endeavors, but certainly not for performance in
a sport, for example... right?

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 17:42, Oren <> wrote:
> "Woot, I ___ and a computer understood me!"
> Haha, I think this is a great way to celebrate saying something right in
> lojban.
> { mi cu pu klama le zarci }
> Woot! I just used past tense and a computer understood me!
> ni'o ta'o ...what's a good way to say "props!" in lojban? (i.e.
> congratulations/good job/way to go) All I can think of is
> { .ui .i'e } "happy approval"
> but I feel it lacks the celebratory/supporting spirit. Maybe add {.i'i}
> "togetherness"?
> co'o mi'e .ku'us.
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 05:50, Christopher Doty <>
> wrote:
>> Woot, I made a bridi and a computer understood me!

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