Since sometime ago, I have been playing a vampires game on facebook
called "Vampire Wars" which I translated as {la blupinxe nunjamna}
(correct if wrong).

The game is built on such a way that we are encouraged to socially
interact with other players through "vampire clans" (blupinxe
lanzu)(??). So then, I have been posting comments written in Lojban to
aid me to learn vocabulary since that's mostly my weak side on Lojban.

One part of the game is "judgements" in which we "taste" the blood of
another vampire and tell whether it's "Tasty", "Tempting", or "Toxic".

The "Tasty" comment I had been posting yesterday to my female
clanmates is (enclosing translation within parenthesis):

ci'iroi kukte cai fado du'i lo cevni doi lomi melbi cai mensi iu
(Eternally most tasty you are, like a goddess, my lovely dear sister.)

Sometimes a player asks for a "Toxic" vote in order to get certain
trophy when it reaches 100 toxic votes. Usually I name my vote by
number thus:

vindu nunpai remumoi (Toxic #25)

Another game feature is "Blood Magic". We "spin a wheel" and we get a
spell to aid us in the game (or sometimes get a curse). This was my
comment to the social feed this morning:

coi se lanzu i co'a sligau (Hello clannies. About to spin.)

Comments? Corrections?



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