On 3/6/10, Jorge Llambías <jjllamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just because of the potential for ambiguity. According to CLL
> http://jbotcan.org/docs/cll/c9/s10.html
> you would have to say "kukte fa do ne du'i lo cevni", with "ne" if you
> want to compare "do" with "lo cevni", and the only possible
> interpretation without "ne" would be the one I had in (1), comparing
> the deity with being tasty.


I want to consider your choice of words/word order according to my
intention on writing this which is making a compliment while making
clear that it was in the context of it being from a brother to a

The main problem I see on your choice of {do dunli lo cevni lo ka
kukte} is one of emphasis. It puts the emphasis on the comparison
while I wanted to put the emphasis on the tastiness. Maybe it could be
resolved thus:

lo ka kukte cu te dunli lo cevni do

But this all is missing an element; the {ci'iroi} which I agree is a
bad choice of words and {ze'e} would be better. Then:

lo ka ze'e kukte cu te dunli lo cevni do

Or maybe:

lo ka ze'e kukte cu te dunli lo cevni do doi lomi melbi cai mensi iu

Anyway, if we want to be precise to the extent of being paranoid we
would state it thus:

lo ka ze'e kukte cu te dunli lo cevni ciblu lodo ciblu doi lomi melbi
cai mensi iu

It actually makes no sense to state that a vamp is "tasty" when we
mean their blood is tasty, but the meaning is understood within the

Comments? Something wrong?



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