
Sorry to say,  not to my knowledge. That’s the downside of the heavy
string and answer randomization.

The only way I could think of would be to look at each individual problem
in the grading menu. 1600/10 TAs = 160 a piece? :)


> On Feb 21, 2020, at 1:11 PM, Huckleberry, David W <dhuck...@purdue.edu> wrote:
> Scenario: I have a prof that writes a multiple choice exam problem, but the 
> problem is dynamic in several ways, for this example let say that some 
> students see the problem as for a force on “Block 1” while some see it ask 
> for a force on “Block 3”
> Then it calculates the answer and foils for each scenario. There are 1600 
> students that take the exam.
> Problem:  When we do a Detailed Problem Analysis, LON-CAPA shows that the 62% 
> that got the question wrong, picked foil2…BUT…we can’t tell what foil2 
> exactly was for them, depending on if they had the Block1 or Block2 scenario.
> Question: Is there any way to pull out that data on a per student basis to 
> see what a variable value was for them when they took the problem, to then 
> look at it closer?
> Dave
> David W. Huckleberry, MS Ed.
> Coordinator of Digital Instruction
> College of Science - Physics & Astronomy
> PHYS 176
> 525 Northwestern Avenue
> West Lafayette, IN 47907
> o: 765-494-9575
> dhuck...@purdue.edu
> <image001.png>
> <image002.jpg>
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