At 10:31 12/02/01 -0500, you wrote:
>At Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:25:34 +0000, Matthew Robinson
>> >> 
>> >> What kit are we going to need for this? (projector, etc.).
>> >
>> >I assume we'll need the usual. Projecter, Screen (or white wall!),
>> >net connectivity. Can someone at Torrington please confirm which of
>> >that list they can supply. Thanks.
>> Sorry, been busy all morning.  We can supply either a screen or a 
>> white wall, not sure which yet but we will supply one or the other.  
>> So if somebody else can supply the projector that would be good.
>Thanks Matt. I guess we'll impose on Neil for his projector again, if 
>that's ok :)
>How many people can we get in the room at Torrington? I guess we'll
>be expecting ~30. Maybe a bit more.

30 people should be no problem, over 40 and it will probably start getting
a little personal.

>And will there be net connectivity in the room? We can probably 
>get by without, but it would be nice to have.

We have a 2meg line and we can make sure that there are a few ports patched
through from the boardroom.  We are also running DHCP so people can get an
IP if required.


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