On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 02:15:01PM -0000, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> Hey,
> The language Ruby looks really cool. Can anyone tell me:
> 1. Why on earth you'd use Python instead of Ruby.

Because Python is a lot cleaner and more elegant?  And doesn't require
all those daft nested "end"s?  But I'm not going to do Python advocacy
on a Perl list, I like my hairs unsinged.  :-)

The same question applies equally well to "Why would you use Ruby when
you have Perl?".  Except that people might feel that ruby has a little
bit of an OO advantage (dunno, though.  I both love and hate perl's OO).

> 2. If anyone here has used it for production code and knows more about it.

Pass.  You may like to look on the ruby website, instead though.

> It looks cooooooooool.

No, it looks like Perl-envy.  It has a few neat toys, but IMHO, doesn't
differentiate itself enough from either Perl or Python.

I do like the yield thingy though.

Oh, and the Dr Dobbs 25th anniversary issue has a nice little
introductory article in case anybody's interested:



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