On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 02:01:11PM +0000, Robin Szemeti wrote:

>I haven't considered the GPG option yet .. its going to be for a user
>thing .. and PGP is more common .. I am right in thinking that GPG and
>PGP are basically different and not interchangeable aren't I ?


>importing PGP keyfile into GOG and it didn;t like it.

Was it a PGP v2.x keyfile? v5.x and v6.x should (for the most part) work
reasonably well. That is rather the point of GPG.

>If all else fails I'll jsut use GPG .. which will be a pain as Kmail (my
>mailer) works nicely with PGP .. but not GPG as yet .. hmmmph

Search for pgpgpg; it's a wrapper to solve this problem.


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