Greg wrote:

> i vote that DAV-R-CAN organises it,

Eek!  I know we had a volunteer to GM this, but I disremember who.  Was it
GRE-G-MCC or DAV-U-CRO?  In any case, a coupla days isn't enough time to
prepare a game properly, so perhaps the GM should use one of the games
published by WEG.  I have a few but they're languishing in my parents' attic
so I'm not much use.

> i can host it if you like in
> the shit hole that is my flat,

Greg's flat is very nice.  I'm sure you'll all like it.  If you can find it.
He tends to tell people the wrong address.

> someone want to let the other guy
> who was new to london know

Who was that?  I don't remember.


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