* Simon Wistow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Greg McCarroll wrote:
> > next youll be saying top gun is considered bad
> Top Gun is a top film (no pun intended) and Quentin Tarantino is a
> jumped up little pissant wannabe with 'I wanna be a cool gang-sta but
> I'm actually a white geek with bad hair who can't act' issues.

i agree, its a class film, and i wasnt being sarcastic in any way at all

i was watching it with a dutch friend recently (4am) and we were really
really drunk, i mean like a whole different league on from the worst
london.pm meeting - do you remember the guys Gellyfish got slaughtered
at YAPC::Europe? well they looked sober to us, anyway the point is i
seem to remember calling his ex-girlfriend on his nokia communicator
in loud speaker mode and singing the song down it as loudly as possible

then doing the same 10 minutes later after he had tried to teach me
the words in dutch

then at the power guitar bit at the end singing that down the phone

it was about then his flatmate came through to complaign

> And all the quotes from his monologue[0] which claim that TG is actually
> one huge homoerotic fantasy are wrong which just goes to show how
> bullshit it all is.

unlike ``Top C*ck'' the 1992 american soft pr0n film, where young men
from around the world come together to compete at the Top Stud academy
training to be the finest studs in the world. Just before the completion
of their training my the hot blonde bombshell Nelly McMuffins they
are alerted of an arab warlords harem is on the radar and are flew out
to use their new knowledge.

- err actually i just made this up
- err, making that sort of thing up is probably worse that watching it

i'll get my coat ...

Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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