On Wed, Jan 03, 2001 at 12:53:32PM +0000, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> unlike ``Top C*ck'' the 1992 american soft pr0n film, where young men
> from around the world come together to compete at the Top Stud academy
> training to be the finest studs in the world. Just before the completion
> of their training my the hot blonde bombshell Nelly McMuffins they
> are alerted of an arab warlords harem is on the radar and are flew out
> to use their new knowledge.
> - err actually i just made this up
> - err, making that sort of thing up is probably worse that watching it

I imagine that that would be the best storyline for a pr0n film in
years.  I'm under the impression that there hasn't been such a film
worth watching for the film (they used to actually make them as actual
*films*, you see...) since the wonderfully titled Wanda Whips Wall

dha, who probably knows more about this than he should...

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
"You can't give a 4 to truth." - Saul Williams

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