David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 04:42:55PM +0000, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> > * Leo Lapworth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > People (no particular order):
> > > 
> > >      = Pimp   =               =  Accountant  =
> > >      = BOFH   =               = Security Guru =
> > >      = Perl Gurus' =          = Perl Trainee Gurus  =
> > 
> > i'd add an MD/CEO who would initially do a lot of the
> > pimping, the accountant could initially also be outsourced.
> > the BOFH and Security Guru could be rolled into one.
> > i'd also hire non-Perl programmers so that you didn't
> > just have one leg to the stool
> Seems reasonable. Also think about Oracle and Sybase wizards
> (combined with the BOFH and/or $language Guru roles initially) and
> an NT person. Actually, *all* the tech people should be sufficiently
> multi-skilled to be able to do two things reasonably well - that way
> it's easier to pimp them, they can command more dosh, and they (and
> the company) are protected if one of their skills goes badly out of
> fashion.

And one of the goals of gurus within the consultancy should be to help
train up other folks who want to pick up that skill. Preferably in an
environment where something real is being acheived.

> > > Money:
> > >   Base salary and split proffit according to which category your in.
> > 
> > founders split say 50% of the equity, 25% reserved for latecomers
> > and 25% pencilled for VC types
> Just wait for the arguing about how that 50% gets split!

That 50% gets split equally among the founding partners.

> > > Open source / clients:
> > >   Create projects for open source community (sell to clients
> > >   with support). When not assigned to a specific money 
> > >   making project or client create next project to OS and 
> > >   make money from.
> > 
> > agreed!
> Yup. Plan to make money from support contracts on this open source
> stuff, and also from being a 'preferred implementor' using it.

Indeed. Ooh, this sounds very tempting.


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