On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 08:47:35AM +0000, Roger Burton West wrote:
> On or about Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 11:08:29PM +0000, Piers Cawley typed:
> >And if the Big Cheese does hand down decisions that override the
> >Minion then the contract between developer and client should stipulate
> >that the client pays for the wasted time.
> Contracts _should_ say that the client pays for changes to what he
> originally said he wanted. Sometimes they do. It's quite rare, in my
> experience, for this payment actually to be demanded. (Usually some
> excuse along the lines of "it's a big customer and we don't want to
> annoy them".) This XP approach seems to require a lot more firmness

I've also found a lot of customers are absolute *geniuses* at fudging the
issue of what they did and didn't agree to, no matter how specific
you attempt to be.


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