Roger Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed 24 Jan, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>       Dreamweaver (I know, don't ask)
>But I must ! You are only the second person I have heard of who has used


>Am I right in thinking that what CS said made as much sense as "We don't
>need a case of claret because we have a pound of brussels sprouts"?

Pretty much !

Having started the web site project here without much knowledge of developing
websites (having mostly been doing corporate network support before that) I
allowed the designer to choose the tools. I chose apache/mod_perl for the
backend because I wanted to learn more about perl & apache. Perhaps not the best
rationale but hey, it's my project :-)

We now have a site with lots of html files full of dreamweaver tags which are
very easy to mess up with a text editor so we tend to stick to DW and keep the
hand editing to a minimum.

Having learned LOTS in the last year, we are planning to rebuild the site to
separate the templates from the content because content management is becoming a
pain. Naturally we will be doing this with perl.

So - Dreamweaver is a good gui editor but it generates files which are difficult
to maintain. It is good for those who are not technically minded but probably
not the best choice if you have technical skills available.

We will ditch DW in the new version of the site.



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