On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Robert Shiels wrote:

> Hi,
> Stupid question, but a code snppet got posted to NY-PM last night, and I
> wanted to play with it. The problem I have is not understanding how to add
> this function (rcsw) to get it to run from cron, or indeed, to run. I've put
> the code in my ~/.bashrc file, am I on the right track ?
> ----------------------------------------
> Here's the recursive version, which has more perl.  Run
> this out of cron once a week to remind you if you left any
> files locked somewhere in your development tree:
> rcsw()
> {
>   perl -MFile::Find -e '
>      find(sub { push(@f, $File::Find::name) if /,v$/; }, @ARGV);
>      $/ = ";";
>      foreach $file (@f) {
>        if (open(F, $file)) {
>          while (<F>) {
>            if (/locks\s+(\S+);/ && $1) { print "$file\t$1\n"; last; }
>          }
>          close(F);
>        } else {
>          warn "Could not read $file";
>        }
>      }
>    ' $*
> }


Put the function in the top of a shell script and the call it with just
rcsw at some point after that (possibly after setting an appropriate
environment ) run the shell script from cron.

Jonathan Stowe                   |   
http://www.gellyfish.com         |       I'm with Grep on this one 
http://www.tackleway.co.uk       |

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