On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 12:31:33PM -0700, Nathan Torkington ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Elaine -HFB- Ashton writes:
> > On the plus side, Addison-Wesley has a new CGI Perl book coming out in
> > early February that should be a major improvement in this particular
> > genre.
> Hey, if she's allowed to plug, so am I :-) The 2nd edition of "CGI
> Programming with Perl" (O'Reilly of course) is pretty bloody good.  I
> was midway through writing a CGI class when I got a tech-review copy
> of the book, and it was what I was going to teach and then some more.
> I like that :-)

Nat's right, it _is_ a very good book.

And whilst we're plugging books. I've just got my author copies of "Data
Munging with Perl". It's a great feeling finally seeing in in print as a
real book.

It's got an ISBN and everything :)

Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way.


http://www.dave.org.uk | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<plug>Data Munging with Perl

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