> On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 11:27:52AM +0000, Michael Stevens wrote:
> > Last night I cunningly managed to get off the tube at stratford, get
> > halfway out of the station, and then realise I don't actually
> > live in Stratford.
> Very cunning indeed.  About as cunning as a fox just... nevermind.

Ron and I were quite drunk one evening a few christmases ago and
we were getting the train home to Croydon. The train came to the
stop and we hadn't paid attention to where we were. The train
had stopped at another station it didnt normally stop at, ron
took a step out and found quickly she was about 3 foot off the
platform, she basically grabbed the door and swung on it out of 
the train, i followed her out and then we realised we were at
the wrong station.

I basically had to get her to put a foot up and then push her
by the nether regions back up into the train, and clamber on myself.

Needless to say we were, very, very, drunk.

Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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