On 04/03/2001 at 15:20 +0000, Greg McCarroll wrote:
>After I cunningly (as cunning as a bear who had just graduated from
>the school of obviousness) passed off the organisation of the NY.pm
>invasion there was yet again another burst of enthusiasm for it, and
>now it appears to have once again fallen off, where are we on this?

Calm down, calm down, it's all in hand.

I've still got a list of interested parties; I emailled everyone about
a fortnight ago to get some idea of what was wanted. Once I'd got the
replies sorted, I emailled dha's mum Lucille, who has sadly been
knocked down for the last week or so because of pneumonia. Apparently
she'll be OK and has mentioned the trip, so I should hear something by
the heretics meeting. If not, I'll have to go to a travel agents here
and try to organise something myself.

>I ask because I quite fancy a trip to NY soon and would hate to go
>myself only to find that London.pm en masse had organised themselves
>into going.

Indeed. Don't worry.

The date now seems fixed-ish at 25 April - 30 April, so if you can keep
those dates free it'd be cool.

Anyone else who wants to join in should email me offlist so I can keep
you posted.

:: paul
:: you are not your email address

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