On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Lucy McWilliam wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Jon Eyre wrote:
> > Anyone else drink too much and wake up on a train in the middle of
> > Hampshire thursday night? Or was it just me..?
> No, that was just you.
> <delurk>
> 'lo, BTW.  I'm Lucy and I'm not in Nodnol, but Cambridge doesn't have a
> .pm (yet!).  I use Perl to do vague genome mapping, computer biology,
> PhD type things.
> </>

You must have snuck in whilst I wasnt paying attention :)

Jonathan Stowe                   |
http://www.gellyfish.com         |       I'm with Grep on this one
http://www.tackleway.co.uk       |

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