> (What do you mean with "not-inplace cgi"?)

Some servers (like my own) are configured to allow you to run perl scripts

Some servers (especially in the paranoid ISP land) are configured to have
a /cgi-bin/ where you have to put files in that will be 'executed'.  
Typically you cannot read from these dirs with a web server (you can only
execute the program and read their output.)  This is so that if you have
passwords in your scripts it's very hard for the bad guys to read these 
files and get the script via the webserver no matter what mistakes you
make (e.g. if you accidentlally leave backup files around.)  The main
drawback of this is that you can't serve normal files (like images) from
the same directory.

I call the first 'in place cgi' and the latter 'cgi-bin'

Hope that's clear.



print "\n",map{my$a="\n"if(length$_>6);' 'x(36-length($_)/2)."$_\n$a"} (
   Name  => 'Mark Fowler',        Title => 'Technology Developer'      ,
   Firm  => 'Profero Ltd',        Web   => 'http://www.profero.com/'   ,
   Email => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',   Phone => '+44 (0) 20 7700 9960'      )

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