On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 01:41:14PM +0100, Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
> > host(1)'s error messages are often misleading - it can give the message
> > "try again" to nxdomain responses, for example...
> Given how fast .NSI namespace is being eaten up, that doesn't seem like
> such an unrealistic message :-)

Hmmmm.... But what about typos? dot.con?


Matthew Byng-Maddick   Home: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  +44 20  8980 5714  (Home)
http://colondot.net/   Work: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +44 7956 613942  (Mobile)
In the face of entropy  and nothingness,  you kind of have to pretend it's
not there if you want to keep writing good code.        -- Karl Lehenbauer

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