Hm. Looking over this you might not want to read it if you're eating or

> I reserve judgement until I've had a NY pizza and a NY 
> coffee.  However, I expect neither to be up to the standards
> I expect :-)  You have to beat Roma* to be acceptable.

I've had a NY pizza and it was certainly the most *foul* pizza I have ever
had the misfortune of not being able to avoid eating (*inlcuding* McCain
frozen pizza). It was soggy, in fact, *wet*, the topping slid off the base
like scabs slipping off a weeping sore, and it fell to bits. Only a sample
of one, I know, but on the stength of that, {NY Pizza}--

> Said standards, BTW, give every single London / Paris  pizza 
> / coffee a fail mark, except the coffees I brew.

NY cawwfee, OTOH, really impressed me. I loved it. Merkan diner breakfasts
are great. Bacon and waffles and pancakes and syrup and eggs over easy and
home fries. They were very fulfilling indeed.

But what is it about NY toilets that only about three of them flushed
properly during my entire visit? Almost every time I or the people I was
with went into a kludgie, we found it blocked up by a grim combination of
ordure and bogroll. Didn't matter where we were, the hostel we stayed in,
the diners we went to, the tourist attractions, any publicly-available lav.

Oh and mmmmmm, turkish coffee. Yowsa.

"'scuse me trooper, will you be needing any packets today?
hey, baby, don't be pulling on my socket, okay?"

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