On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 09:25:21AM +0100, Matthew Jones wrote:
> Hm. Looking over this you might not want to read it if you're eating or
> anything.
> > I reserve judgement until I've had a NY pizza and a NY 
> > coffee.  However, I expect neither to be up to the standards
> > I expect :-)  You have to beat Roma* to be acceptable.
> I've had a NY pizza and it was certainly the most *foul* pizza I have ever
> had the misfortune of not being able to avoid eating (*inlcuding* McCain
> frozen pizza). It was soggy, in fact, *wet*, the topping slid off the base
> like scabs slipping off a weeping sore, and it fell to bits. Only a sample
> of one, I know, but on the stength of that, {NY Pizza}--

Ok, where was this?  I never said you *couldn't* get bad pizza here,

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
I believe myself to be the daughter of a one-eyed space robot named
Malcolm.         -Fallon Young, http://www.bobbins.org/d/20000915.html

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