dcross - David Cross sent the following bits through the ether:

> Not sure I like the idea of 'organised' social meetings. Sounds a bit too
> 'SPUG' to me. However, I'm quite happy to listen to any alternative
> opinions.

Well, we *could* have a formal agenda for the social meeting, starting
off my voting in the new social meeting committee, and voting for how
many beers we will drink in the first hour (and what muffins to
supply)... BUT:

We have to book a room. Not doing so is silly, considering 30 or so
people turned up and we only had one table. I blame mstevens ;-) Where
will the next social be? Book the room now!


ps apologies, I'm still jumpy from a hot thai curry
Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/
Iterative Software......................http://yapc.org/Europe/

... "Luke... Luke... Use the MOUSE, Luke" - Obi Wan Gates

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