Robin Szemeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> [ and don't even ask me about the time Demon distributed some pox ridden
> disk with IE4.1 on it ..'err I just installed the latest version of
> Turnpike and seem to have inherited IE4 .. how do I get rid of it as its
> screwed my desktop and folders' 'easy sir just do remove-programs etc'
> 'err hello .. Ive done that and my desktop is *still* screwed .. my
> folders appear as some sort of poxy browser with a stop button and
> back-forward buttons and they didn't before and I dont want them' ' err
> sorry sir .. it does some things to the kernel that can't be removed' 
> now I am absolutely totally 100% certain that some web browser (and thats
> all it is) should *not* mess around with the way I view folders. I think
> that was a turning point for me and my judgement is probably clouded and
> unnecessarily predjudiced against it. ]

Well, if you're daft enough to install Turdpoke you deserve all you

Piers Cawley

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