On Tue, 15 May 2001, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 11:04:43PM +0100, Natalie Ford wrote:
> > At 15:09 14/05/01, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> > >Please, would you take the politics elsewhere? Some of us really don't
> > >give a shit either way.
> > Hear hear!  I am getting tired of hitting delete... :)
> procmail++
> If anybody wants a hand getting it set up to autofilter mail, give me a
> shout.

Exim ++ 

and before simon gets there:

use Mail::Audit;


Matthew Byng-Maddick      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     +44 20  8980 5714  (Home)
http://colondot.net/                             +44 7956 613942  (Mobile)
perl -e '$i=sub{length($_[0])-1};$_= "\n.rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ" ;while(
&$i($_)){print unpack "x"x&$i($_)."a1", $_ ;$_=unpack"a".&$i($_),$_}print'

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