On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 05:27:17PM +0100, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> Now Ken Campbell was worth watching, but a bit of a head fuck.

Ken Campbell is a god.
Here is my proof:


ps. The other day I randomly met someone who speaks fluent
    Melanesian Pidgin.

"What's it like then, Macbeth in Wol Wantok? An improvement. Reducing
iambic pentameters to rude voodoo telegrams is just the thing the
piece has been needing. The plot seems much more likely in Pidgin -
there are a couple of holes which become apparent when you
de-soporificise the text and these I've deftly bunged. Like, for
example, Fleance (Flanis). The witches (Klevas) tell Banquo (Banekhu)
that his kids and his kids' kids are going to be kings (bigfala jifs)
in the future (bambae). The only child we meet is Fleance, and he gets
away, but then some arse makes Malcolm (Melekem) jif (king, I mean). I
don't think the New Millennium Wol wants to be served this sort of
dramatic sloppiness, so I've fixed that. (Mi bin fiksimap.)"

"Images have limits.  i am grateful for that." --Catherine Milne

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