* at 22/06 13:24 +0100 Cross David - dcross said:
> From: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 12:41 PM
> > * Cross David - dcross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > 
> > > So all I'm asking is that when you're at a meeting and you see a 
> > > new face that no-one seems to be talking to, 
> > 
> > I don't think the seating arrangement in PO makes it easy to talk
> > to lots of people, even if you already know them. We always seem
> > to split up onto seperate tables where you can only really chat
> > properly to 4 or 5 people aorund you.
> Yet another good reason to find a new pub.
> > Also how about some more structured ice breakers, perhaps a
> > quick pub quiz were we split into random teams?
> Hmmm. Not sure I like the idea of "enforced activities"
> > Maybe we could even have an opening of the meeting, reading out
> > apologies and introducing new people.
> Or maybe not :)
> Seriously, I think the foramt of the social meetings works pretty well as it
> is. We just need to be a little more aware of newcomers.

i'd go with this as anything else is a bit 'point at the newcomer'
which is almost as bad, or worse depending on the person, as them
feeling excluded.

although name badges would help with the 'how do i recognise
london.pm?' issue[1] as well as on the which dave is that problem. 


[1] not that it's really that much of an issue i'd have thought :)

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