On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 01:56:31PM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> excuse the typo , i mean't to say recorder
> say for example, i wanted to record some shows off Radio 4
> that are streamed by realaudio. maybe set up a little cronjob,
> so that i had some nice pretty MP3s to listen to whenever i
> had a chance.

Couldn't you just link /dev/dsp to a file?

Or mkdev /dev/realdsp, and set up a named pipe as /dev/dsp that both saves
the sound and sends it to /dev/realdsp.

I might be talking out of my arse here since I'm not that knowledgeable
about this kind of stuff, but I think it should be doable.

Niklas Nordebo -><- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -><- +447966251290
 "The day is seven hours and fifteen minutes old, and already it's
crippled with the weight of my evasions, deceit, and downright lies"

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