On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 05:11:05PM +0100, Mark Fowler wrote:
> I'm not that used to using perl under windows, but I want to use it in
> order to control a number of windows desktop to do a load of tasks.  To do
> this I want to be able to
>  a) run a perl script on a the machine by hand/in startup
>  b) which opens a deamon on a port
>  c) and then does a http request to a webserver to declare it's presence.
> I *was* planning to do something with that RPC::XML stuff to do this, but
> after some thought a couple of issues present themselves, namely is this
> module in ppm format yet (how do I find out if it is?  If it isn't how do
> I make it so it is?) and is there a much better way that the masses can
> suggest?


When you install activestate perl is installs a dos util called ppm,
so from prompt type >ppm
then do search MODULE_NAME, I've found that they don't even have
Template Toolkit :( - just checked they don't have RPC::XML. I think
you can check this stuff on the actrivestate website as well.

Now you can us perl -MCPAN -e shell, but you have to have
a 'make' installed - dmake is free on the net, but doesn't
always work (e.g. for TT2). So you have to use nmake, which
though it was available on MS's site, now nolonger is and I haven't
been able to find is _ANYWHERE_ on the net. It is part of
the MS C++ development thingy apparently.

It all feels like too much hastle.. but a different dept here
does have the C++ dev library so I guess I have to give it a go.



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