From: "Robin Szemeti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > [1] The Tomorrow's World live event was rather shiny. Lots of toys,
> > including Steve Bennett's 10 metre rocket.
> its a pity that what was once a reasonably serious and informative
> programme has now been dumbed down so far that there is more tech content
> in The Archers. and Mr Bennets rocket hardly qualifies as science ..
> amusing publicity stunt yes .. science ? I think not.
Yes - and aren't their medialab experiments completely useless. The last one
I saw was particularly facile. "Listen to these two people talking, and tell
us which one is smiling at the same time", was it I think. Bah! When I was a
kid TW was essential viewing, just before TOTP on a Thursday, now I don't
actually even know when it's on.