From: Redvers Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 9/18/01 2:37:31 PM

> Most if not all of my top films have been mentioned 
> already...


> the breakfast club

A great film right up to the ending where the interesting (and
every so slightly gothic) Ally Sheedy character is convinced
that her life would be oh-so-much better if she only wore some
makeup and had a prettier hairstyle.

> shock treatment [0]

> [0] or at least it would be if I could find ANYWHERE 
> where I could buy it on DVD (or VCD).


I once knew someone who'd seen it. He even had the soundtrack

Have this vague memory about seeing Richard O'Brien interviewed
somewhere recently where he mentioned the possibility of making
a sequel to RHPS. This made me wonder if Shock Treatment has
been officially Removed From History.



Mention The Lord of the Rings just once more and I'll more than
likely kill you,
"Moorcock! Moorcock! Michael Moorcock!" you fervently moan.
   - Half Man Half Biscuit (Dickie Davies Eyes)

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