> On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 11:29:03AM +0100, Sue Spence wrote:
> > > p.s. Of course the most fiendishly clever part of their security is
> > > the little questionnaire part, "Are you wanted for war crimes?",
> > > "Do you intend to blow up things while in the country?", "Do you
> > > have a kilo of cocaine floating in condoms in your lower intestine?"
> > > ;-)
> >
> > I think it's obvious that they NEED to know that stuff. PS The answer to
> Yes, but will they find it out by asking you?

Gee, I dunno.  Is there anyone reading this thread who thinks these
questions are asked to disqualify anyone at point-of-entry?  The form is
written in that manner simply so the US gummint can have specific legal
grounds to throw your ass out of the country later if they so choose
(assuming they can prove you lied anywhere on the form).  Is this
annoying?  Yes. Is it a weird way to welcome people to the country? Yes.
Does anyone in charge there care? Not really. Ho hum.

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