On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 10:54:30PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If it's taking up too much of their time they've not got the whole
> "charging money" worked out quite right yet...

> I thought the service last time was very good, and would be happy
> for us to do the same thing again.

I would be happier with ordering food almost[1] as before, rather than a
buffet. The food was good.

Nicholas Clark

1: The change I'd suggest we suggest to them is that they (the real staff) do
   what the relief staff figured out about halfway through last time - take
   a name with each order. Oh, and maybe we delegate a shouter, or someone
   with a loud thing capable of shutting everyone up, so that when food
   arrives we get silence when someone shouts the name of the food recipient.

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