Mark Fowler wrote:
>   6) Any signature over 4 lines long

And make sure it recognises signatures even if they're not preceded by
dash-dash-space; '--', '---', '----------------------', and nothing are also
widely popular.

>  10) Numbered lists that don't have the right value (again, 
>      fixx0red by damian)

Well, for some values of fixx0red. I use Text::Autoformat to, um, autoformat
some data I pull off the web regularly to have it emailed to me, and use '1.
Heading Name', trusting to Text::Autoformat to get it right. Which it
usually does, but if one of the paragraphs in the middle happens to begin
with '-' or 'Mr.' or other such things, it starts counting at 1 again. Which
sucks a little, but I've been too lazy to decide how to pre-munge the text
so that such things don't cause the thing to hickup. Also ugly if the text
is something like

    You can now start earning money at the age
    of 29, while previously you had to be at least
    40. In other news, ....

, which Text::Autoformat is likely to turn into

    You can now start earning money at the age
    of 29, while previously you had to be at least
    3. In other news, ....

, if the last numbered header was '2. Earning money' or the like.

Actually, I don't really feel like munging the paragraphs -- that's supposed
to be the job of the module, after all.

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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