* Greg Cope ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Redvers Davies wrote:
> > 
> > > What sort of game? Maybe an adventure, maybe multiplayer, maybe some
> > > sort strategy or trading game. I don't mind, I'd just like to do it.
> > 
> > camElite!
> No - how dare you defile The Game with thoughts that you could better it
> :-)
> Greg what should his punishment be ?

Greg, err I already started this project, before I got my laptop
nicked (this was around my wedding IIRC), no actually it was after my
wedding i think, it was during my ebookers phase, and i'm pretty sure
i was married then (curse you date and time!)

How far did i get? I got something resembling a Python[1] to fly around
under OpenGL, with the view fixed.

So their probably shouldn't be a punishment, at least not anything as
severe as the punishment for something heinous like murder, armed bank
robberies or jeopardy style quoting ;-)

Action games are not good for hobbies. And while Muds are good fun for
OO stuff, i dont think they are good to play as they take too much
time. So I'm sort of thinking of a space trading game in the mould of
VGA planets, but with trading as the focus (and pirating of course).

But what I'd really like is something as flexible as Nethack in terms
of the fact that a lot of the code, doesn't just implement mechanics,
it invents richness - and this is why i want lots of people to be
involved so that their is lots of ``richness'', if you get my drift.

Ok, the grammar might be appaling in this post, but its meant to be
about a fun topic, so ho hum. At least its not that f**king quote
thread from hell.


[1] At least I recognised it as a python as I had coded it, others may
have recognised it as a point white blob.

Greg McCarroll                       

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