Here's the post of Tony Finch's to oxbridge.tat (yes, I have his
permission to repost it) that persuaded me to buy this book. Below
it is my reply, which is less well-written, but has excerpts.


Tony Finch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tufte inspired me to write this, originally for a thread elsewhere about
> programming books, but what the hell, I'll repost it here. Any crapness
> is because it was written at three in the morning.
> One of the common underlying themes of great computer science
> textbooks is the aesthetics of complexity, by which I do not mean the
> glorification of the complicated; on the contrary, they are all about
> finding the simplicity that underlies the complicated. A section of
> one of these textbooks will typically start by explaining a difficult
> problem, and then it will deftly reveal some abstraction or theory
> that magically makes the problem simple. A really great textbook will
> then leave the reader wondering what was so difficult about the
> problem in the first place.
> This is the essence of software engineering: decomposing an activity
> into simple parts that fit together smoothly and elegantly. It is the
> creation of abstractions -- data structures and algorithms, objects
> and methods -- that together not only solve the problem, but also
> illustrate how the solution works. Good software gives you a new
> understanding that allows you to solve related problems by simply
> fitting together the parts of the software in new ways; really good
> software provides such powerful abstractions that the parts fit
> together in ways that the original designer didn't expect, to solve
> problems outside the original scope.
> Bad software is like those humorous posters depicting "a day at the
> beach", covered with hundreds of people doing ridiculous things.
> Little bits of it may be amusing, but they combine to make a whole
> that is messy and ugly. Good software is like Monet's Water Lilies,
> where the basic theme of the brush strokes builds up to an attractive
> whole. It's the miscellaneous collection of buildings of Oxford's
> Bodleian compared to the coherent whole of the Cambridge University
> Library. It's the soundtrack for a Tom & Jerry cartoon compared to a
> Bach fuge.
> The IOCCC is such a great joke because it is the ultimate satire on
> software engineering: it glorifies the complicated, the special-
> purpose, the incomprehensible. An IOCCC winner is like a Heath
> Robinson mechanism in the way it employs a wonderful intricacy to
> perform a trivial task. There is irony too, though, because without
> using abstractions an IOCCC entry cannot accomplish enough to win; and
> without elegance of composition a Heath Robinson painting cannot
> illustrate the workings of its ridiculous machine.
> One of the things that distinguishes 21st century programming from
> programming in earlier eras is that it has become much more about
> communicating with other people, rather than purely about making
> computers do things. Our machines have enough capacity that we can
> afford the luxury of explanation as well as operation. This is why I
> think Knuth should be shunned. Although the text of the Art of
> Computer Programming does a good job of discussing the mathematical
> principles of algorithms and data structures, his code is stuck in the
> era before structured programming. It is very hard to transcribe
> either his spaghetti English or his prematurely optimised assembler
> into what would nowadays be considered code of acceptable quality.
> This is not just unthinking "goto considered harmful" dogma: it also
> weakens the books' credibility in the areas of formal correctness and
> rigour, since the mathematical tools we nowadays use to understand
> code formally depend on structured programming. These are the same
> tools used by compilers to optimise code, so code written to the
> common best practice will alco run most efficiently. He refuses to
> address this deficiency in the forthcoming editions of his books,
> preferring to remain defiantly 40 years out of date. I therefore
> recommend that Knuth should be way down on people'd shopping lists,
> after books by Sedgwick and Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest and Okasaki.
> In contrast, a book which does describe the right way to approach
> design isn't about programming at all. Tufte's Visual Display of
> Quantitative Information may be about statistical graphs, but the
> principles it expounds are also principles of software engineering.
> Its main themes are economy and elegance, and the rules it derives are
> based on Einstein's razor "as simple as possible, but no simpler", and
> using orthogonality to allow a single graphical element to perform
> multiple tasks. It is thoroughly excellent: as you would expect, it is
> beautiful to behold, but it is also very readable. The text has a
> personality, opinionated yet modest: although the book contains many
> graphs, they are all examples; when the author uses statistics to
> support his argument he presents them in a table; and frequently when
> he is critical of a graph it is one of his own designs. The reason
> this is a book for programmers is illustrated by this quote from the
> epilogue, which would require only the most trivial changes to make it
> directly relevant to software engineering:
>  What is to be sought in designs for the display of information is the
>   clear portrayal of complexity. Not the complication of the simple;
>    rather the task of the designer is to give visual access to the
>    subtle and difficult -- that is, the revelation of the complex.
> Tony.

From: Kate L Pugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: oxbridge.tat
Subject: Camel Tufte
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 00:00:58 GMT

Tony Finch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I recently read "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information"
>> by Tufte, which is no only thoroughly excellent but beautifully
>> produced too. I've since bought his other books...

and Jonathan Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Visual Display should be compulsory reading for anyone wanting to use
> a graph or other similar figure in their thesis.

In addition, I'd say it's recommended reading for anyone who ever
reads a non-tabloid newspaper. You know those leetle graphics they put
to illustrate news stories? Well, a lot of them lie. Tufte has very
neat explanations of the techniques used.

Not only that, the second section of the book develops a very neat,
simple, clear theory of producing good graphics. Bar charts, pie
charts, time series - they're all things I'd just taken for granted
previously, but here's someone who's really *thought* about them. You
also get a nice history of the development of graphical display of
statistical information.

Possibly the thing I enjoyed the most while reading the book was
grabbing passing housemates and forcing them to look at the best
pictures. There's an *amazing* depiction of Napoleon's army going to
Moscow and back - in a single, clear, powerful diagram, as Tufte says:

    "Six variables are plotted: the size of the army, its location on
     a two-dimensional surface, direction of the army's movement, and
     temperature on various dates during the retreat from Moscow."

There's an entertaining section on bad practice; my favourite sentence
in the book exemplifies Tufte's dry humour in a criticism of an over-busy

    "[...] data points and the reference curves are obscured by the 63
     dark grid marks arrayed over the data plane like a precision
     marching band of 63 mosquitoes"

One technique that caught my eye reminded me of a comment of fanf's -

> [...] using orthogonality to allow a single graphical element to perform
> multiple tasks.

Here's a section of the graph, depicting American divisions (each of which
is designated by a number) stationed in France during World War I:

                                        77  77
                                     3   3   3
                                     5   5   5
                                32  32  32  32
                        41  41  41  41  41  41
                    42  42  42  42  42  42  42
            26  26  26  26  26  26  26  26  26
         2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2
 1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec|Jan Feb Mar Apr May
           1917                  1918


    "The triple-functioning data measure shows: (1) the number of divisions
     in France for each month[...]; (2) what particular divisions were in
     France in each month; and (3) the duration of each division's presence
     in France."

I was going to excerpt George Herbert's shaped poem here, too, but I
think jc would rather like the book back (I lent it to him but just
stole it again in order to add some quotes to this post).

Anyway. Read this book, yes. I expect jc'll finish it tomorrow
morning, so I'll be able to lend it to anyone within spitting distance
of Carfax.


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