> I'm sorry for posting something off-topic, but I hope one of the Very
   > Clever People here can help me.  I'm having trouble with Getopt::Declare.

Well, I'm not Very Clever, but I can probably help you with that.

   > I get:
   > Can't use string ("-delete") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in
   > use at foo line [the one with my %args on].
   > Now, my reading of the perldoc says that what I'm doing is just fine.

The bit of the documentation you missed was:

        As a special case, if a parameter consists of a single component
        (either a single flag or a single parameter variable), then the
        value for the corresponding hash key is not a hash reference,
        but the actual value matched.

So you want:

        my %args=(
           action  => ($args->{'-d'} || $args->{'-delete'})?'delete':'add',
           md5     => ($args->{'-md5'})?1:0,
           url     => $args->{'-d'} || $args->{'-delete'} || $args->{'<url>'}

   > There's an example in the docs which is doing almost exactly what I
   > am doing. Search for "$args->{'-v'}{'<value>'}" to find it.

It works differently because it has two components.
(Yes, I'm aware that that's a little subtle).


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