Dave Cross wrote:
> From: David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 10/31/01 10:26:53 AM
> > Anyone got any thoughts on Computer Futures and Spring IT?
> Both nasty.
> Computer Futures are nasty in the "send every CV in our database
> to every job going" way. They are completely incompetent and
> should be avoided at all costs.

I had a very strange experience with these twits some years ago. They
chased me for a particular job in Leeds. I agreed to go to an interview,
showed up, but the company knew nothing about it.  Given that we were
living in Suffolk at the time, this was fairly annoying. I told CF they
could go to hell. They persuaded me to do a telephone interview, and I
did. I was offered the job, they sent me a contract. I signed it. A day
later they said the job had "disappeared".  Eventually, against all
odds, the contract did happen, but obviously what Dave says is 100%

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