From: "Dave Cross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Computer Futures are nasty in the "send every CV in our database
> to every job going" way. They are completely incompetent and
> should be avoided at all costs.
I'm starting to look for work now, and haven't used agencies before as I'm
new to contracting. This may sound like a very naive question, but what is
wrong with having your CV on lots of desks? The downsides that I can see are
that I will get lots of phone calls/emails for jobs I'm not interested in.
As someone who can happily stroll through 200-300 emails a day anyway, I
think I can filter these out fairly easily, and if a gem does appear, then
surely it was worth it. I guess what may happen is that someone with a real
job to offer might get my CV from more than one source, but I can just blame
over zealous agencies and most employers will understand that that wasn't my
fault, it may even make my CV stand out more.

I was thinking of sending my CV to every agency with interesting looking
jobs that I can find on jobserve or monster (after a short introductory
email asking if they wanted it). Is this a really bad move?


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