Robin Houston wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 07:02:50PM +0100, Newton, Philip wrote:
> > (And I'm not sure whether $x is distinguishable from ($x = 
> > undef). Hm...
> They don't seem to be currently distinguishable AFAICT.

Hm... (Thinks and tries a couple of things with Devel::Peek) so the
representation I guessed apparently comes only when the scalar held a value
at some point but was then assigned undef... it often keeps the data (e.g.
IV = 42 or PV => "Buffy\0") but the POK and ROK flags are turned off (you
get a line "FLAGS = ()") which makes the undef. The scalar itself is then
not an SvNULL but an SvPVNV or SvIV or SvRV or whatever it was previously.

But a variable that never got assigned a value, and one that got assigned
undef, appear to look identical, as .robin. and mstevens showed. Mildly
interesting. I don't think it's helping Red any, though :)

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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