On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 03:41:54PM +0000, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> I found this funny ....
>   http://www.fridgemagnet.org.uk/kitchen.html

You didn't write it, did you?  No offense, but I know how you
dislike correct English...  :)

e.g. (on http://www.fridgemagnet.org.uk/kitchen3.html):
"This peculiar-looking item is called a fucking sponge. You use it
in tangent with the water and the washing-up liquid to wipe the
crap off the plates, bowls, glasses, mugs and cutlery that you
leave festering around the house, like little anthrax bombs around
in your wake."

Shouldn't that be "tandem"?  :)

Natalie Ford .................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yet Another Computer Solutions Company Limited ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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