On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 01:49:51PM +0000, Sam Smith wrote:
> On 4 Jan 2002, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) writes:
> > > Ivor> Skills required: Degree with 6+ years experience as a software developer
> > > Ivor> in the internet industry. At least 4 years must be with Linux, Apache,
> > > Ivor> Perl (must be primarily mod_perl), MySql, and XML.
> > >
> > > 4 years with mod_perl and XML????
> > >
> > > Not even Doug MacEachern or Tim Bray would qualify!

Only the XML bit though?
I dug through email archives a couple of weeks back (mainly to find out *when*
my first message to p5p was, and when my first patch was) and discovered that
although I hadn't kept the original of the mod_perl 1.0 announcement, I did
have a record of a forward of the copy I'd received on p5p.
August 1997 IIRC.

> > >
> > > Where's the part about "walking on water" or "sent to earth as God's
> > > only begotten son"?
> > >
> > > This is ludicrous.  Who writes this crap?

That's what I'm wondering. "consultants" (of the pointless dot.com variety)
used to be my answer. IIRC that was the answer I was given when I asked why
the job specs for a bright orange balls up I used to work for were hoping
for DBA experience in 5 different major databases when all we were running
was Oracle. And the programmers we wanted were C++/Java, when we weren't
doing any of either. It seems that trendy buzzwords were what got into
job specs.

I don't know if there are any pointless dot.com type consultants left.
[I hope that they are all now in McDonalds. I don't mind which side of the
counter] So I'm not sure who now writes the crap.

> Maybe they'll keep readvertising it for the next few years until there
> can be someone who meetings their criteria.....

It seems to be very much like
http://jobs.perl.org/job/180  http://jobs.perl.org/job/186
Maybe it too will come around again. and again.

[and this message is going to get into the moderator queue like the one I sent
from here last night about http://jobs.perl.org/job/186]

Nicholas Clark

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