* robin szemeti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> if your scans and probes look like ...
> [4]     PBServer/..%5c..%5c..%5cwinnt/system32/cmd.exe


> etc etc etc ad nauseum

nope, the sequence of events went something like this

portscan on 145
20+ minutes later, portscan of 146
1hr+ minutes later, apache was showing attempts such as this ....

host217-35-113-70.in-addr.btopenworld.com - - [09/Jan/2002:14:36:32
+0000] "GET
HTTP/1.0" 404 275 "-" "-"
host217-35-113-70.in-addr.btopenworld.com - - [09/Jan/2002:14:36:33
+0000] "HEAD /cgi-bin/DCShop/Orders/orders.txt HTTP/1.0" 404 0 "-" "-"
host217-35-113-70.in-addr.btopenworld.com - - [09/Jan/2002:14:36:33
+0000] "HEAD /cgi-bin/a1disp3.cgi?/../../../../../../etc/passwd
HTTP/1.0" 404 0 "-" "-"
host217-35-113-70.in-addr.btopenworld.com - - [09/Jan/2002:14:36:33
+0000] "HEAD /cgi-bin/a1stats/ HTTP/1.0" 404 0 "-" "-"

i googled for some of these and discovered its a CGI vunerability

after this the person started looking at my homepage, which sort of
freaked me out and i pulled the webserver, disconnected ADSL and ran
some quick tests for rootkits

i contacted abuse@bt and got an autoreply, basically after half of it
that was about news/mail posts and spams, it got to the bit about
system cracking

they say 3 things,

     1.) they will look into any matter reported to them and take
         action against the account
     2.) they will not actually enter into direct discussion with me,
         about any of this
     3.) they won't tell me if they do take any action against the

this sort of left me pretty much in the dark

the next day, i turned ADSL back on, and the webserver and about 11:30
that morning, sure enough the same ip was back and trying CGI

what could i now do now, if someone at abuse@bt had given me a phone
number i could of called and told them it was happening, but nope i
basically had fuck all i could do


Greg McCarroll                       

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