----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg McCarroll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Also, is it time to think about reenergising TPJ?

> I actually meant perlmonth or similar. I was thinking a Perl ezine
> a Phrack style tarball would be fun.

I was interested in this before Xmas and except for some brave
volunteers from Belfast.pm I got a general vibe of apathy. And told by
multiple people in a pub why it'd never work so I got disillusioned
and gave up just in time to see the thread include a discourse on
alcohol. :)

My plan was to put out six articles a month and not start until you
had at least twelve articles in the bank in case people got very
bored. By articles I included a look at the months module releases,
book reviews, interviews with people less known and similar stuff. I
still think it'd fly as an idea but its getting the initial support
was the killer, add to that other sites pay for articles and the
majority seemed less than bothered.

Mental note: Do Jan LCN.

Profanity is the one language all programmers understand.
   ---  Anon

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