On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 07:37:31PM +0000, Jonathan Stowe said:
> As a complete aside, does anyone know how to determine which are new
> modules rather than just new releases from the stuff that gets pumped
> out by PAUSE and CPAN ? 

Get a list of new module releases and either

        1. without having updated your 0\d-{whatever}.txt.gz since
           the last time you ran the script check to see if the
           module's in that. If it's not then it's new.

        2. Foreach module go to the authors directory on $CPAN_MIRROR
           and then check to see if there are previosu versions.

There may be easier ways.

See http://www.twoshortplanks.com/simon/perl/cpanscore.html for horrid
02package.details munging.


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